
Cooperation with Career Centers in the Universities

A cooperation protocol has been signed between DIKA and the four Universities, Mardin Artuklu University, Batman University, Siirt University and Şırnak University for the following project activities to be realized:

  1. Supporting career guidance and counseling services offered in the Universities’ Career Centers with the target to reach out 3.600 youth with small-groups or one-to-one counseling sessions
  2. Organizing 20 Career Information Meetings in the 4 universities, for 2.000 students
  3. Implementing one Career Day in each University, with 50 employers (15 out of region) – for 150 students – in total 400 students and 200 employers’ participation
  4. Implementing training courses on critical job finding skills for 400 youth and students on: CV preparation, Effective Communication & Presentation skills.

Cooperation with Ministry of National Education LLL Provincial Directorates and the Public Education Centers

DIKA has signed protocols with MoNE LLL Provincial Directorates to implement with the support of the project Training Courses on: Digital Skills, Using office program, installation and repair of natural gas devices,  Maintenance and Repair of Air Conditioner and Cooler Home Devices, Elevator Maintenance and Repair Assistant.

Cooperation with KOSGEB

The applied entrepreneurship training in manufacturing and on service value chain have a duration of 10 days, and the first part for 5 days is in line with KOSGEB training. The participants will enroll in the KOSGEB online platform and after the participating in the training and the exam, will get the entrepreneurship certificate of KOSGEB.